When I began creating this site I had several aims in mind. I intended to create a website that is representative of ideas that are important to me, as well as being aesthetically pleasing, functional, quick to load, informative and intuitive to the user – all on a low budget. Not all these aims were immediately compatible and some compromises had to be made. For example, a plain colour background, header and sidebar would load more quickly but I compromised a little speed in order to include images and a more textured finish.
The four background images that sit in the main body of the site are all taken from recent crop circles. I have long been fascinated by the crop circle phenomenon, as many of the symbols represented give me the feeling that what they are expressing is a form of higher consciousness, much more than just what appears at face value. The four crop circles I have chosen represent for me the four classical elements. The top image of an eagle in a South American indigenous style represents the element of Air. Going in a clockwise direction, the next image of a star represents Fire. The goddess image at the bottom is Gaia, the spirit of Earth. The left image of stylized dolphins represents the Water element.
The animated image that changes colour in the top left hand corner is taken from the psychedelic computerized artwork of Alahuin. It is a stylized version of a Mandlebrot Set, a type of fractal. A fractal is a mathematically generated geometric shape that appears similar at all levels of magnification. Fractals are based on new mathematics that have been developed over the last hundred years or so. They are considered to be infinitely complex and therefore more accurately describe natural processes than the traditional Euclidean geometry that has dominated mathematics since 300BCE. Natural objects that approximate fractals include clouds, mountain ranges, lightning bolts, coastlines, and snow flakes. Ecometry has many fascinating images of fractals in nature.
Alahuin‘s artwork is also represented in the background image of the buttons in the left hand side bar, and also the image that appears on the left of the footer bar at the bottom of each page. This image is a stylized version of a Vesica Piscis, a powerful symbol in sacred geometry, that over milenia has been used as a representation of the divine feminine principle, as well as later being adopted by Christianity and stylized as a fish.
For information on links on this site, hover the cursor over the link. A description box will appear with some information on the site being linked to, and whether it opens in a new or same tab/window. All links to other sites normally open in a new tab or window. The general rule I have followed for internal links – links to other pages on this site – is that links within the body of the text open in a new tab or window, and links at the bottom of the page open in the same tab or window. This is because when I am browsing I often like to read a whole page first, and then afterwards go to the other pages that are linked to in the body of the text. If this annoys you, just right-click on the link and open it in the same tab or window.
Many of the external links in the site are to Wikipedia. This is not because I consider Wikipedia to be the ultimate source of knowledge, rather that it is often one of the best places to start when researching a topic.
Most of the images on the site, unless otherwise credited, come from Big Stock Photos. This site is built on the WordPress blog tool and publishing platform. It is free to use open source software. If you would like a similar site built, please contact me.
Many thanks to Ricky of qubetech.net for his hard work and patience while building this site.